Thursday, August 31, 2006

The best tea ever.

I just had the best tea of my life...
I made a green tea and decided to add two small shakes of ground cinnamon. My usual three sugars and some milk ... It was really Good!, the cinnamon was not too much and blended well into the tea and with the flavour of the tea.. I highly recommend making one, A Cinnamon Green tea... It put a smile on my face.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Magic Question re-stated

I perhaps Have mis typed or mis construed my question.

What I was really asking is what do we expect the WHOLE of Magic to be...yes yes, life style, inner knowledge...that sounds more like "What is paganism or what is Wicca" What I want to know is what is it that we expect of Magick...Do we expect to fly on brooms,.. or make herbal tea, what is the whole, the max, the extent of the Whole of magick, as a tangible sequence of events....and what about Magick is it that attracts people..Because MAGICK - Is a lot different than GODDESS WORSHIP, or GOD WORSHIP, Magick is only one part or paganism or Wicca. So what is it we all expect of magic, are we all making herbal tea? or licking toads for divine knowledge? What is it that you think MAGICK can do? what is it we expect of Magick?

In magick, some magick is personal, and some is universal, personal magick, in my eyes, will work for the person who created it and perhaps a few others, but universal magick will work for anyone, dispite all. I supose you can divide magick even more into Divine and supreme magicks as well, but I think you get me. I all so think magick can make one fly on a broom, perhaps it is simply you who is flying and the broom is just a seat, or perhaps the broom is flying and you are sat upon it, either way......Because I have personally seen things that have changed my perception of reality four times backwards.
"In the truth there is nothing stranger."
MY view on what paganism or witchcraft or wicca is:
Witch craft. It sounds scary to some, confusing to others and complicated to layman.
What is 'Witchcraft' or 'paganism'. I can't speak for every single witch or Pagan, but from my ownself: It to me is 'everything and nothing'. Beyond the Triple Goddess aspect is what I'm referring to. It is my 'Craft', my studies, Botanical formula's and complicated rituals, spells and elixors. It is what I remember from childhood, May Poles with my Mother and Yule Logs with my Father, astrology, tarot cards and crystal balls is what I grew up on. Being a witch or Wizard, Neo Pagan, or and Paganism for that matter is a life style, a way of thinking and doing. Remember to Take your time with your studies, you have your whole life to learn.
What does one see when they venture out on a full moons night? That is what defines a witch or wizard, a pagan to non. For me Paganism - or more to my style, The Wheel of Truths. "The Whole of the truth lies in the verb seeing." Some Witches and Pagans like to Run around talking and Acting as if they are the be all end all of what the Pagan community should be and act liked, pish posh...,that "thou are more righteous than thee" attitude gets us no were quick.
Remember this and save it for ammunition for any that think along that line. "Water which is too pure has no fish". There are always two sides to ever coin, good,bad -Right,wrong -left,right..;ect ect. Don't go fooling yourself thinking your better, or feeling lesser to others.Thoughs that walk around with their chests puffed out and boasting about how righteous they are have already received their reward.

Monday, August 28, 2006

My Magic Marriage

The question of my view of marriage has come up more than once lately for me, on and off line people question my views.. So here it is in quick simple explanation.

Don't get married in the first place...The law of marriage was provided by MOSES, given to him by GOD, because of unlawfulness and unfaithfulness, well that was a long time ago we - Im not that barbaric. I do not cheat or bring home disease, I give no reason for an account of divorce, and I honor the God and Goddess by continuing to honor the original agreement. Was that your God or theirs? Anyways..Doesn't matter..... You can only get divorced if you are married right? My common law wife and I have been together for fourteen years, and three kids and a house later we are still together.

honor the PRE MOSES law... Once the 'vow' or public declaration of love have been claimed, on both party's accounts, then you are as of one mind, when you grow together you are of one soul, and still again when you have children you are of one flesh.

The problem with marriage is everyone has a pre conceived notion of what marriage should be like, so when reality does not provide that for you, or your partner, one or both party's will start to blame the other, not a good enough husband, or wife, not a good mother or father..ect ect. Because your self created dilution of what marriage is did not materialize then your self diluted mind says "My life is wrong" when really there is nothing wrong...

"Nothing is good or bad....Only thinking makes it so"

What is it we expect of Magic?

What is it that attracts people to Magic? Is it movies like Harry potter? Or is it old family secrets popping up in the Neo Modern post digital world? What is it we are looking for from Magick? You can collect knowledge like some of us have, Spell collectors and formula buffs.. Going for greatness is a spell collector like myself, but what does all this knowledge get us..?
Any thoughts?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Magic Ring Of Fire Water Formula #001

Magic Water Formula #001.

Title: Ring Of Fire Water.


Made from the Sunflower 'Ring of Fire' - Helianthus annuus. The Ring of fire water is a very special water. It is a magical water. Made from a very special sun flower called "The Ring Of Fire" this is not the regular sun flower you see, but is shorter and has an inner ring of copper brown right on the petals, creating the appearance of a 'ring of fire', the copper fades into the yellow of the petal amplifying the affect. Johnny cash was inspired to write a love song when he saw the flower for the first time, "The Burning Ring of Fire", this sun flower inspired him to write that song, not that I'm a big Johnny cash fan it is just interesting that the flower inspired him to lyric. Here are Four Formulas for the water, any of them can be considered Ring of fire water. Depending on the person, and the method of construction, or creation of the oil will dictate just how powerful its magick is.


The Elixor Can be drank. It can be used for protection, aura cleaning, magickal tool cleaner or in Love Magick as a drink or in baths. If used for drinking servings are best in very small drinking glasses or shot glass size.

Formula 1: Infusion;

  • One Cup of the below formula of infusion water.
  • Fifty ml of Vodka -no substitute.
  • Three drops of vanilla extract.
  • The juice from one half lemon.
  • Strain and Use. Keep cool

Formula 2: Steeped;

  • One cup cooled distilled holy water or cool distilled pure spring water.
  • Fifty ml of Vodka - no substitute.
  • dried petals from four head tops (add to empty tea bags for easy steep).
  • The Rhine from one half lemon .
  • Three drops of vanilla extract.
  • The dry crushed sun flower seeds from all four heads
  • Steep for seven days,strain then use, keep cool.

Formula 3: Oils;

  • Two Cups of cool distilled holy water or cooled distilled pure spring water.
  • One hundred ml of Vodka- no substitute.
  • Twenty drops of Ring of Fire essential oil.
  • Seven drops of essential lemon oil.
  • Three drops of vanilla extract.

Formula 4: Hydrosol;
  • One Cup of cooled distilled holy water or cooled distilled pure spring water.
  • One cup of cooled hydrosol water.
  • One hundred ml of Vodka - no substitute.
  • Seven drops of essential lemon oil.
  • Three drops of vanilla extract.
Methods of extractions
Steeped method;
Steeping is a simple yet lengthy method. In a clear jar, like an old pickle jar place your mixer of waters, botanical, and rhines into the Jar. Place the lid on and let sit for one week, shaking the jar Once a day. Keep it in a cool, dark and dry place, keep out of sun light. After the seven days strain and use.
extracting the essential oil method;
Beat one pound of the Seeds very carefully in a mortar, put them into a skillet, and warm them, and then press out the Oil which will presently congeal. Wherefore, to make it fluid and more likely to penetrate, Distil it five or six times in a Retort, and it will be as you desire. Or else, cast some burning sand into it, and mix it, and make it into rolls, which being put into the neck of a Retort, and a fire kindled, will the first time remain liquid. One pound of seed produced just under two ounces of oil. (thanks saint John) Because the ring of fire seeds are much smaller that regular sunflower seeds they you will need more to produce any large amount of oil.
Creating a infusion method;
Creating a infusion should be as easy as making a really big Tea. Collect four flower head from the plant and pick all the petals off the heads, place them in a cool dry place and wait till they dry out, this may take a few days. Once they are dry crush them in a mortar, or grind them, then you can either package them up in empty tea bags or run them through a very clean coffee maker, using the filter of course, and having no traces of coffee. Use Three Cups of Distilled spring water, or most forms of holy water. Pure Spring water can be used in replace of holy water, but distill it first, boil it. Using a clean pot, do not use aluminum. Use steal, copper bottom, or cast iron. Place the crushed flower petals in the pot and pour boiling water over them and leave it for five minutes. Strain and cool.
Creating a hydrosol method;
Do you ever steam your vegetables? That juice left at the bottom of the pan contains the distilled water soluble parts and materials and some of the essential oils. You can use a vegatable steams to extract the essential oils in a hydrosol method. (It may be wise to use the whole head in the steaming, as you will gather more of the essential oil with in the hydrosol.
HYDROSOL: the aromatic non-alcoholic distillate left from the distillation process of organically grown plants that contains water-soluble parts of the plant material and micro-drops of the essential oil. Physical Chemistry, a colloidal suspension in water. A colloid with water as the dispersing medium.
I will hopfully be making a batch soon as my ring of fire sun flowers have flowered already.
LINK: Tea bag makers click here
LINK: Buy the ring of fire seeds here

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Human For Sale

Have you been thinking about putting yourself up for sale lately? Ever wonder how much money you could get on the open human market? will attempt to place a value on your life using a variety of criteria in 4 basic facets of life (physical,mental,lifestyle,personality). This is obviously a very subjective matter and is not intended and does not claim to be scientifically accurate. The more honestly you answer the questions, the more realistic the dollar value returned will be.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Your list of trouble

This is really a posting for new comers to Magic or Young practicioners of the Craft, its a short list of trouble you can get into, for a unique starting point I guess.
Not sure if Magic is real? wont a glimpse of what it can offer? Here is a Quick lesson in the Powers you already possess. Think of this subject for a moment, -The School of Summoning Spirits, Demons and Angels. What do you know about them?, Where do they live? what are there names?, get the wheel in your head turning, I don't care what the axle grease smells like :) get that wheel turning. Here is a small list of some of the Names you may of Come across while you where just talking to yourself.
Demons, Satan, Abraxas, Jesus, God, Yahwhee, Goddess, Diona, Enki, Marduk, Budda, Angels, Raphael, Gabriel. All possible thoughts you just had. Well thoughs thoughts are real, as are the Gods and Goddess, Demon and Angels, deity's and spirits, that thoughs names represent. They for the Most part are what one would call Fleshless spirits, and they are real and can be called, by name, the name you just thought. Getting it yet? No?
Think of this: A name, a name of calling. Who calls you? God, your parents, your think of why they call you and when. How do they know WHAT to call you? and how do they know WHEN to call you..or for that matter how to call..a you. Where are you? What is your number? or in this case what is the number = frequency/vibration of the God, Demon, angel you are calling? Get it now?
SO make a list of all the Gods, Goddess, Demons, Angels, deity's, spirits and so forth that you know or think you know excist, fact or myth, make the list. Name, place, ect ect. Delete thoughs not needed, once you grow and learn truths.
OK I will give you an example...but I can not stress enough that this WILL work and it WILL cause chaos, so fair warning. This is magick so be prepared for the outcome, unpredicted consequences will occur, I kid you not. I have done this spell before and it can backfire, it can also enlarge its field of view, incorporating him/her who cast it. This is a simple yet powerful spell. It is a cursing hex, spell of demonic proportions. Use it carefully, and remember everything you do you leaves a carbon fingerprint, and you also concur what is know as Karmic debt as well, balance these two with care. Don't believe in demons? Don't worry you don't have to, they believe in you. This is based on the belief that evil spirits live in the ground or under the earth, the netherworld if you will. Whether or not your belief system incorporates this as well is irrelevant, the spell will work regardless of belief systems.
Your target, over a small period of time, their life will grow weak, fights with in their family,friends, stress emotionally and finacually will set into the home, people may even start to act possessed, they very may well be, so be careful. They may go broke or fall from grace in some manner. At that point do not lend a helping hand in anyway. If you do, from One hand to an other the hex will travel and you will concur your own Hex.
  1. Get something personal about your intended target, hair or nail clippings if possible, but a photo will do, If no photo can be provided then just the name of that person, First and Last preferably. Write the name on patchment paper with Bats blood ink, Raven Ink, or Crows Ink, or simple black ink if no Magickal Inks are available, daub a bit of summoning oils if you have any on the paper. OR not.
  2. Boil a pot or kettle of hot water, I mean real HOT, take the lid off the kettle or let is whistle a while before taking it off the heat, get it good and hot.
  3. Take your prepared"ingredients" if it be a photo, pre rip it into a hundred pieces, no more no less.
  4. Run over to the targets house and some where on their property start to mix the two ingredient, the Photos pieces, name patchment or clippings with the boiling water. While you are placing the clippings or whatever in the water repeat over and over this work HARA, meaning 'evil'.
  5. Once all the clippings or photos pieces are in, then pour out the hot water and say out loud, as loud as you dare "AYIN HARA". Meening The Evil Eye, Close one eye when you say it if you like. When you pour it out let some fall on the Lawn and Garden, some on the driveway, some on the walkway, or patio, some on the front or back step.
  6. Get the hell out of there. It is recomended that you Do not step foot on the property for one full day and night.

What this has done is called Evil spirits to come forth out of the earth. They will hopfully go to the one whose property they were conjured from, so do this quickly lest they notice you and follow you instead. It also casts the Evil Eye onto the target. Now there are many of evil eye repellents and deterrents so look to make sure this is not performed under the 'gashing eye' of one.

Fair warning, Birds of a feather flock together...if you call them they will come. If you call for dark forces too many times, dark forces many acquire you as a resource for their/ its/ 'his' cause.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Playing Devils advocate

"Nothing is Good or Bad, Only thinking Makes it so"

Who was it that said that...?? Anyways its so right. Bad things are 'bad' because that 'key' does not work in the system of 'Good'. Its as simple as that. Bad is bad because it does not have the key the enter what is Good. The Bad spoke on the wheel is just that, the bad spoke.

Rap your mind around this: GOD=Creator of all. God created his own apossor. The Other side of the Wheel if you will. OR the bad spoke. In terms of Christiananity, Jehovah Created Lucifer, his own aposser. They -The Christians -Are to assume their God Jehovah is a Good God, and all he created was for the propose of the greater good. So Satan would be 'Good' using that frame of mind.

You can also think of it like this; AIDS is devastating the black community's in America, In the eary 8os they thought "Aids is a Gay and needle disease" so they started to 'lock up' all the bad black people that where using drugs, selling drugs, homosexual late nighters all went to jail...What's it called .. on the DL, the Down low. Black men that act straight in the light, but at night in the dark...Well you know, Bi-sexual. SO now that we have locked up all the aids in jail, what happens, slowly everyone in jail gets aids, shortly then released into your neighborhood... People say sex and drugs don't happen in jail but we all know different, your'd petty much have to be retarded to not know, or fear it.

It is almost like some Magicians of Chaos had plained it out.
I point fingers at "the K.K.K", "The Red hatters", "L.O.C" and others that 'fan the flames' of Chaos, hate, poverty and ignorance.... You can NOT remove your self from the wheel, you can not seculize your society of 'peoples' you must be on the sacrade hoop of the nation, or you will be erased. like the Irish say; Bona na Croin, "Neither Crown nor Collar". The oldest form of "Power to the People".

So the Question Lies, what is Good and Bad?.... if Bad was born from Good, but good is the "alpha and Omega" the start and finish, And All Spokes lead to Good, To God or away from God, bad.... However All things where created for the greater Good.

It is all a battle of the mind, if I was to tell you I wrote this high on a handful of magic mushrooms, would that change your perception of the argument..? Probably... Whether I am or not is nor here nor there...It is simply the idea that I might have done so, and that has changed your perception of the argument, what is killer though is now that you think I might of wrote this high on mushrooms, it kills all or most validity to the original argument...It changes your mind.


I have been surrounded by angels my whole life, from a very young child I have memory's about the people in the clowds, Angels if you will. Let me be one to tell you they are not the angels that you think they are, they will love you and rap you in warmth yes, but remember they are also protectors, warrior's of God. (You can only see them through your peripherals vision, and only when the light shines through the clowds just so. Making it look like Gods window has opened or something) See you know these are angels because they stand in the light, unlike the angels that stand in the shadows. like "Dark angels" if you will..Sound petty I know. However, from what I have seen, most of us would not wont to see what sits in wait in the shadows, that's for sure.

That is how I first saw them as a young child, I say clowd people because that is what I called them, The time it took them to travel from a clowd to your very face was fractions of a millisecond, then back again, but each time the message was clear, that they loved me, and every message they brought was clear.

Here are a couple of Angel spells and Incantations. You can change names with in this Incantation, providing they remain with in the realm of the twelve -known- Archangels. All 'private' or 'secrete' angels are advised against including in these rituals and incantations and spells. However this is the warning: "You can get your soul back if you have solded it for bad, but once you sell it for the greater good there is no getting it back."

or maybe that's another blog too...

LOL getting a little novelish..

plus I think the 'mushrooms' are wearing off LOL j/k.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Slow and steady wins the race

Witch craft. It sounds scary to some, confusing to others and complicated to layman.

What is 'Witchcraft' or 'paganism'. I can't speak for every single witch or Pagan, but from my ownself: It to me is 'everything and nothing'. Beyond the Triple Goddess aspect is what I'm referring to. It is my 'Craft', my studies, Botanical formula's and complicated rituals, spells and elixors. It is what I remember from childhood, May Poles with my Mother and Yule Logs with my Father, astrology, tarot cards and crystal balls is what I grew up on. Being a witch or Wizard, Neo Pagan, or and Paganism for that matter is a life style, a way of thinking and doing. Remember to Take your time with your studies, you have your whole life to learn.

What does one see when they venture out on a full moons night? That is what defines a witch or wizard, a pagan to non. For me Paganism - or more to my style, The Wheel of Truths. "The Whole of the truth lies in the verb seeing." Some Witches and Pagans like to Run around talking and Acting as if they are the be all end all of what the Pagan community should be and act liked, pish posh...,that "thou are more righteous than thee" attitude gets us no were quick.

Remember this and save it for ammunition for any that think along that line. "Water which is too pure has no fish". There are always two sides to ever coin, good,bad -Right,wrong -left,right..;ect ect. Don't go fooling yourself thinking your better, or feeling lesser to others.

Thoughs that walk around with their chests puffed out and boasting about how righteous they are have already received their reward.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mormans at the Door.

More Mormans At the Door:
YES I know Jesus, YES I have already sold my soul to him, NO I will not repeat it infront of you, NO I do not want to pray with you...NO I would not like a bible study. NO I do not want any free literature, or holy water, No you can not come in for a minute, See the Gargoyle...howed you get past him? Sorry I have to close the door before you let any Christian demons in my house...

NO Robert Tilden I will not put my hand on the T.V in hopes to get healed by you, And Sorry Peter Popoff but your a ripoff, and possessed by demons I might add... what part of "No Soliciting" don't you get.

Christians puzzle me, with their secular views on the same religion, or so called religion. The Contradictions is what really turns my blood hot. I have no doubt there was a Jesus and he probably was the Christ. That's all here say, what gets me if the bull shit "Thou shall have NO graven images unto thee...." ect ect. What part of NO don't you understand, the parabel goes onto say "....nothing in the heaven, nothing unto the air, nothing under the sea or on the land shall thee make graven images for the propose of worship."... Again what part of nothing in the heavens don't you people get...nothing means no crosses no statues of Jesus or angels, mother Mary or not...N-o-t-h-I-n-g,.. its not a hard concept. Speaking in terms of Christians that is.

What about the Christian curse? Yah that's right I know about that curse, for them that do not know of this cures you can simple flip any bible that has listed the Psalms and goto Psalm 109 and repeat that over and over again, chant or mumer this Psalm as a cures. Remember in the bible when The Egyptian king finally let the Jews go, because he was tired and weak from the cures and plagues, this is one of them, Psalm 109

Bet they don't teach you that in church; "how to cures them that smite you, Christian style 101"
"Do onto others as you would have them do onto you".... Damb that's 2 points for Samhains and 0 for the Christians.
I'll leave that in their ball park for now:) I have more ammo but why waste it all.

Christian Curse Psalm 109.

Simple summoning

My favorite Spirit to summon is Charmison. I know I have talked a lot about this spirit, but it is my favorite. I have A collection of about two hundred Spirits, Angels, Demons, Servitors, and other creators you can summon. As well as a collection of close to ten thousand spells and rituals, from all dates and ages. However I would say Charmison is my favorite. The last time I used Charmison -two days ago- It brought me on a strong wind, a monarch butterfly at 2am, Do butterflies fly at night? No.

Charmison is very powerful and large, as is its companion the Lion. The Name of the Lion is Be'lzon. It means "To be the Lion". Be'lzon can be summoned for battle as well using the Bastardized name of Charmison 'Charm' and using the Bastardized seal from the lesser seal of Charmison. More info click here

Simple Method of Summoning:

Trace the True Seal of Charmison onto a piece of Partchment paper.
about this size will do. This is for a makeshift alter to Charmison.

1) Trace the Seal onto Partchment paper.

2) Place a handful of Sea Salt in the spot chosen(Air).

3) Spit on the salt pile (Water).

4) Place the Paper seal of Charmison onto the Pile(Fire).

5) Place A large Rock or statue on top of the seal (Earth).

Place both hands onto the Statue or Rock and close your eyes, envision the seal of Charmison and when you have it clearly in your head say out loud its name three times "Charmison, Charmison, Charmison". Sit and wait a while, or until you feel it has been accomplished. One may see butterfly's, Robins or bats. Burn the seal in a flame of a candle when you are done with the spirit. Thanking it of course. I placed my seal under my Door Guardian, the Gargoyle.

Charmison can be used for:

Charming people, objects, time or situations; psychic Battle; You can teach Charmison as well, things related to charm, charming, dis-enchantment,enchantment and battle as well. Using Charmison is vision quests and meditation will bring visions and information about personal charms.

There are colors that are associated with the seal..but that is another blog.

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Ya I've got internet!

  • I'm finally back online, I had changed internet providers and it took longer than I thought. So here is a 'gift' or two, for them that waited and wondered what went wrong...It was internet problems :)

  • Looks like the cone worked sort of;
    from what I understand this is what happened, two weeks after the cone was erected, they came to an agreement, and stopped the war and stopped the fighting...They both claimed victory over the other, when clearly both original demands from both party's were never met.. Hezbollah soon there after started to re-arm...But I believe the cone worked, temporarily perhaps..
    I think we can all smile knowing we helped. It did what it said it would do, stop the war, stop the fighting.

How to make Black Crows ink.

  1. Find a freely given all Black Crows feather.
  2. Burn the feather with a sacred flame (from a dressed candle)
  3. Mix the Ashes with regular Black Ink.
  4. You now have Black Crows Ink.
To be used in spells where Black Crow Ink is required.
The Four Quarter Burn
Burn together;
Benzoin, juniper, frankincense, and sandlewood.
  • This is known to me as the four quarters burn. Doing the Four Quarters Burn will banish malicious, and evil spirits. Good to do if one suffers from 'Ghost sickness' not sick ghosts, but living people getting sickness from too many ghosts present or a persistent visitor/s. Also good for calming poltergists and haunted homes.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I would like to thank, RavenWolf, and Lomelindo from Indigo crystals and anyone els for participating in the Ritual, as well as Nightwaker, Lori, lark and Fragile Dreamer from A better pagan Community.

Thankyou to Summer breeze
Thankyou to Going for greatness

I would Also like to thank 'Sam the witch' and her covern from a witches blog, as well as the Brampton witch covern.

Thankyou all for participating in the Cone of power Ritual.

We should see something in six weeks or less, anything over that is probably over due.

I will be back on in a few weeks,
Until then...